Kategorie: Landschaft
Ab Engineversion: 5.1 OC
Blasts a hole in solid materials.
int BlastFree(int x, int y, int radius, int caused_by, int max_density);
- x:
- X-Koordinate
- y:
- Y-Koordinate
- radius:
- Radius
- caused_by:
- [opt] The controller of objects that are created by the blast. See Blast2Objects in material definitions. If not set, the controller is the owner of the calling object.
- max_density:
- [opt] Only materials of the given density or lower are blasted by this explosion. If not specified, any material is blasted.
BlastFree(300, 300, 40, nil, 70);
Blasts a hole into the landscape with the center of the blast being 300,300. Additionally, only materials of a density of 70 or lower are blasted, so this blast does not blast granite.
Siehe auch: Explode