Category: Landscape
Since engine version: 5.1 OC
Determines whether the path from the start point to the end point is free, meaning that no solid material is intersected by a directly line between those points.
bool PathFree(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
- x1:
- X coordinate of the start point
- y1:
- Y coordinate of the start point
- x2:
- X coordinate of the end point
- y2:
- Y coordinate of the end point
All coordinates are global, even in local calls.
// for all living beings in a circle with a radius of 500 around it for(var living in FindObjects(Find_OCF(OCF_Alive),Find_Distance(500))) { // incinerate if the path is free if(PathFree(GetX(),GetY(),GetX(living),GetY(living))) living->Incinerate(); }
Eye of the beholder: Incinerates all living beings in a distance of maximum 500 pixels and if the beholder has a line-of-sight to it.